ENGIE Hazelwood is proposing to create a pit lake as the primary method for rehabilitating the site and addressing the substantial stability and fire risks associated with a large coal mine void.
For the Hazelwood Rehabilitation Project, the full level of the lake is proposed to be +45 m RL AHD, which is 45 m above sea level.
A pit lake landform has been a central element of the rehabilitation plans for the site since the mine was first developed by the State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV) in the 1950s.
Creating full pit lakes in former coal mines is a common rehabilitation method that is used extensively around the world.
There is no ‘do nothing’ option at the Hazelwood site.
An empty mine void would have substantial ongoing stability and fire risks and would require the permanent pumping of significant volumes of groundwater from below the mine.
The large Hazelwood site would need to be permanently fenced, would never be useable for the public and would negatively impact the future of Morwell and the Latrobe Valley.
A full pit lake would not just make the site stable and safe in the long term - it would provide significant potential economic, recreational and flood mitigation benefits to local communities and the region.
Drag the slider from the left to right to compare the current conditions with the new proposed full pit lake.
The EES Scoping Requirements require the Hazelwood Rehabilitation Project EES to:
Describe any feasible alternatives capable of substantially meeting the projects objectives
Describe how information gathered during consultation was used to inform the assessment of project alternatives
Document the assessment of likely environmental effects of feasible alternatives, particularly where these may avoid or minimise significant environmental effects.
ENGIE Hazelwood needs to deliver a safe, stable, sustainable and non-polluting landform that enables productive future uses of the site.
These are both the project’s objectives and formal requirements ENGIE Hazelwood must comply with under its Mine Licence and under Victoria’s mining and environmental laws. All potential options for the site’s rehabilitation must be considered against these objectives.
The consideration of alternatives will include:
Alternatives to a full lake landform
Options for water sources to fill the pit lake
Different approaches and timings for filling the pit lake
Options with and without a connection to the Morwell River.