ENGIE Hazelwood is progressing a comprehensive and transparent
planning and consultation process for the Hazelwood Rehabilitation
Project Environment Effects Statement (EES).
The EES process is managed by the Victorian Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) on behalf of the Minister for the Planning.
Central to the success of the Hazelwood Rehabilitation Project is minimising
potential impacts and protecting important natural systems. The project was
referred by ENGIE Hazelwood to the Minister for Planning. In February 2022, the Minister for Planning determined an EES would be required for the Hazelwood Rehabilitation Project.
View the project’s Environment Effects Statement introduction video and fact sheet to learn more about the EES process.
The matters to be assessed in the EES will be determined in the final Scoping Requirements prepared by the Department of Transport and Planning. It is expected that matters to be assessed in the EES will include:
An EES is a well-established process under the Environment Effects Act 1978, that provides a comprehensive framework for assessing projects with potential for significant environmental effects.
The ministerial guidelines for assessment of environmental effects define the environment as the physical, biological, heritage, cultural, social, health, safety and economic aspects of human surroundings. All of these are considered in the EES.
The guidelines state the objective of the assessment process is to provide for the transparent, integrated and timely assessment of project capable of having a significant effect on the environment.
An EES usually contains:
a description of the proposed development and alternatives considered
an outline of community and stakeholder consultation undertaken during investigations and issues raised
a description of the existing environment that may be affected
predictions of potential environmental effects of the proposal
proposed measures to avoid, minimise or manage adverse environmental effects
a proposed program for monitoring and managing environmental effects during Project implementation.
To ensure the safety, stability and amenity of the Hazelwood site, final rehabilitation works in some form are required. The EES will assess which of the available options provide an acceptable outcome.
The Minister for Planning will provide a final assessment of the effects of the Project. The assessment will consider all relevant information including the EES documents, public submissions, ENGIE Hazelwood’s response and an inquiry report.
This information and the Minister’s assessment - as to whether the Project provides an acceptable outcome - must be considered by other government agencies who make statutory approvals decisions in relation to specific aspects of the Project.
These agencies will decide whether to approve the Project under Victorian law.
Scoping Requirements set out the matters to be investigated and documented in an EES and are issued by DTP on behalf of the Minister for Planning.
The draft Scoping Requirements for the Hazelwood Rehabilitation Project’s Environment Effects Statement (EES) were on public exhibition from Wednesday 19 April 2023 to Wednesday 10 May 2023.
The submissions received during the public exhibition period will inform the final Scoping Requirements.
The final Scoping Requirements will be prepared by DTP and expected to be released in the second half of 2023.
While submissions are now closed, you can still visit the project’s Engage Victoria website and see the project’s draft Scoping Requirements here - https://engage.vic.gov.au/hazelwood-mine-rehabilitation-ees-project-draft-scoping-requirements
The final matters to be assessed in the EES will be determined in the final Scoping Requirements prepared by DTP.
It is expected that matters to be assessed in the EES will include:
Climate change
Water resource use and regulation
Lake water balance and water quality
Catchments, rivers and wetlands
Ground movement and geotechnical hazards
Soils and wastes
Aboriginal cultural heritage
Historic heritage
Air quality
Noise and vibration